I think I have found the nastiest food in the world. Are you used to buy or eat packed salad? What would you think if you found something like this?

I have been looking around internet for a while to know more about this image and it seems to be an urban legend. In many blogs it’s said that the poor frog was alive! And also that there was a video of and some more photos.
I don’t know which would be my reaction if I found any animal (dead or alive) in a packed food that in theory it is list to eat! Is it supposed that the alimentary factories have to have very strict quality controls, isn’t it? So it is very difficult for me to believe that something like that could really happen. But if this happened… have a video recorder close to you because it would be very fun!
I have also looked the web site of the brand and I haven’t found something related (as I supposed). Do you thing that this photo could be some kind of publicity? Because that’s I think.
P.S. For those that were worried about the frog: it is growing fine and the “owner” is going to move it to a very beautiful pond.
Some salt and vinegar will probably make it nice and tasty!
Great comment Rip Van Winkle. I also think it's a urban legend please! Worms and insects are possible but a frog?
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